MB Labs Tecnologia Приложения

Vandana Gardenia 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
The Vandana Gardenia Restaurant is one of thefinest veg serving Andhra styled restaurant .Incepted in the year2014 7th sept along with Udupi Grand Restaurant at BangaloreInternational Airport road.With the support of clients we are proud to announce that wehave completed 25 years of experience and stepping towards thesuccess. Popular for its tongue tingling taste and superior qualityfood, it's one of the finest restaurant. Our menu consists of alltypes of Andhra dishes, each one is special with different flavorsand taste.Our chiefs traditionally groomed, cook food on the age oldtraditional homemade Andhra recipes and we at Vandana Gardeniarestaurant set a hygiene food processing parameters in cooking allour recipes.Our branches (Veg restaurant)Shrinidhi Group of hotelsNew sagar Fast foodShrinidhi sagar food campVandana Gardenia Restaurant is the perfect place to enjoy a mealwith your family and friends.
D.J. Bar 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
We intend to be one of most premium hangoutplaces in Bangalore for youths as well as families. In our bar youcan choose from the vast range of drinks we offer, please do trythe one of a kind cocktails we offer. The restaurant section isideal for families with a wide range of south and North Indian menuto choose from.We intend to be one ofmost premium hangout places in Bangalore for Youths as well asfamilies. In our bar you can choose from the vast range of drinkswe offer, please do try the one of a kind cocktails we offer. Therestaurant section is ideal for families with a wide range of southand North Indian menu to choose from.
Zero - Music Branding 1.0.3
MB Labs Tecnologia
Zero – Music Branding é uma empresa que temsinergia com o veículo “rádio” desde 1978. São 35 anos deexperiência no desenvolvimento de rádios convencionais.Entre elas Rede Transamérica, Radio Bandeirantes, Radio JovemPan, 89 Fm, Radio Educadora de Campinas, Radio Antena 1, Nova Fmentre outras.A partir dos anos 90, com o surgimento da Internet criou novosformatos e adquiriu know how na implantação do formato webefetuando uma gestão altamente profissional nesta inovadoraplataforma de mídia.Desenvolvemos um sistema de comunicação via áudio digital quepode ser utilizado como marketing estratégico e canal deinteratividade entre empresa, clientes, amigos e funcionários deforma exclusiva e personalizada.Um canal direto com o público alvo consumidor, sendo transmitidapara todas as unidades físicas de sua marca. Ambientação sonorapara lojas, consultórios, unidade de ensino, pontos de vendas, eaté mesmo stands de empreendimentos imobiliários.Academias, Shoppings, Hotéis, Clubes, Bares e Restaurantestambém estão nesta lista.Zero - Music Branding isa company that has synergy with the vehicle "radio" since 1978.There are 35 years of experience in developing conventional radios.These Network Transamerica, Radio Bandeirantes, Radio Jovem Pan,89 Fm, Radio Educator of Campinas, Radio Antena 1, New Fm amongothers.From the 90s, with the emergence of the Internet has created newformats and acquired expertise in the implementation of web formatmaking a highly professional management in this innovative mediaplatform.Developed a digital audio via communication system that can beused as strategic marketing and interactive channel between thecompany, customers, friends and employees of exclusive andpersonalized way.A direct channel to the consumer target audience, beingtransmitted to all the physical units of its brand. Sound settingfor shops, offices, teaching unit, sales outlets, and even standsof real estate projects.Gyms, malls, hotels, clubs, bars and restaurants are also inthis list.
Feeto Bistro 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
Feeto BistroA unique platform that allows Restaurants and Bars to engagewith their clients like never before. The platform allows therestaurants and bars to create their own branded own designedAndroid and iOS app equipped with latest mobile engagement featuresat a minimal monthly fee. The platform boasts features like mobilebased loyalty programs, realtime interaction with clients in andoutside their own premises, personalized offers, digital menuintegrated with social media and of course the very valuableintelligence with regards to client profile, purchase behaviouretc.Take advantage now and access www.feetobistro.com.br and check ourplans.Feeto Bistro , make technology your advantage and engage withyour customers like never before!
Gokul Group 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
As an exclusive North Indian and Chineserestaurant, Gokul was started in 1995 at DVG road, Gandhi bazaar.Gokul is well known for its North Indian food. Over a period oftime Gokul has quite a few special dishes as their signaturedishes. Excellent feedbacks are very common at Gokul. Gokul hasvery good track record in retaining customers and their team.Theunique relationship among employer and employees and the dedicationof team is the mantra for success of Gokul. Come enjoy ourdelightful array of menu, a great ambience with warm heartedhospitality and friendly service of our staff, which are alwaysprompt and polite.
Pallkhi 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
The PALLKHI spells the ultimate inluxury,comfort and trusted services.The PALLKHI was the traditional means of personal transport inancient India,decidedly the privilege of only the most elite in the land.PALLKHI EXCLUSIVE FAMILY RESTAURANT draws its inspiration from thissymbol of royal hospitality.Featured twice on the satellite television network on Zee Tv's""Zaike Ka Safar"" and NDTV's ""Best Restaurants of India, Telecastin Travel XP Food Channel,Award winner of 2014-2015 - TripAdsvisor, Most sought restaurants in Mangalore -3 Hungry men,Recipient of Seva Ratna Award 2009"", PALLKHI has indeed come to bean Institution in itself, frequented by the connoisseurs of foodand hospitality,graced by the distinguished visitors to thecity.The cozy confines of PALLKHI's elegant interiors with curvedarches, recreate the spiendour of an almost forgotten era. Theimpeccable, obsequious service, relieves a bygone tradition of warmcourtesy,And our elaborate spread of multicuisine delicaciescovering a wide spectrum of cuisines makes PALLKHI truly a carriageof real taste. So do go ahead and relish the PALLKHI experience.Bon Voyage and Bon Appetit!
Lavanga 1.2.1
MB Labs Tecnologia
At Lavanga, we are a passionate group ofprofessionals who aim to FIRE UP YOUR TASTE BUDS. we offer fingerlicking good food under one roof!
Hotel Chicken Hut 1.2.1
MB Labs Tecnologia
Hotel Chicken Hut is specialized in foodArabian, South Indian, North Indian, Chinese and tandoor Dishes,food in Mangalore.Started at 2006, We at Hotel Chicken Hut are focussed inbuilding strong customer baseBy continuously improving and providing one of the most deliciousfood in Mangalore.We are specialized in Arabian, South Indian, North Indian, Chineseand tandoor Dishes.Come visit us at our nearest outlet and enjoy above special dishesas never before.
ZALK - Zone Talk 1.0.8
MB Labs Tecnologia
ZALK - Zone Talk é um aplicativo quefacilitaas interações sociais,sejam elas de pessoas com pessoas ou pessoas com locais.No Zalk você pode:◆ Encontrar bares, baladas, eventos e faculdades próximosdevocê;◆ Descobrir os locais mais movimentados naquele momento;◆ Conversar com todos que estão no mesmo local;◆ Curtir as pessoas que achou interessante;◆ Ter acesso as promoções e vantagens especiais do local;◆ Recomendar o local;◆ Conhecer pessoas das cidades mais próximas da você.**Facebook Obrigatório para acessar o APP**Zalk - Zone Talk isanapplication that facilitates social interactions,whether people with people or people with places.In Zalk you can:◆ Find bars, ballads, and events near you colleges;◆ To discover the busiest places at the moment;◆ Talk to all who are in the same place;◆ Like the people who found it interesting;◆ To have access to special deals and local benefits;◆ Recommend the site;◆ Meeting people from the nearest cities of you.** Facebook Required to access the APP **
Loony Jeans 1.0.13
MB Labs Tecnologia
Passaram-se mais de 37 anos desde asimplescomercialização até a nossa fase atual, em que tambémdesenhamos eindustrializamos nossos produtos.Em 1977 a Loony inaugurava a sua primeira loja no Brás, emSãoPaulo, como revendedora de confecções renomadas. Com o passardotempo, surgiu a Loony Jeans, uma empresa com fabricação própriaquese encontra próximo aos pontos de venda, o que viabiliza oprocessode criação das peças, de desenvolvimento e de distribuição,além defacilitar a troca de informações com os nossos clientes.Hoje, possuímos três lojas próprias, no Brás, Bom RetiroeMoema.A Loony Jeans possui diversas linhas de jeans, todas comdiferentesmodelagens. O nosso principal objetivo é valorizar asilhueta,independente do porte físico.Aqui você encontra desde as peças mais clássicas femininas,áspeças básicas, modernas, masculinas e com tamanhos especiais;Para que sua compra seja completa, criamos a linha LoonyCottonde blusas e complementos.Nós comercializamos no atacado (lojistas) e novarejo(clientefinal).It took over 37 yearsfromsimple marketing to our current phase, in which he alsodesigned andindustrialize our products.In 1977 the Loony inaugurated its first store in Bras, inSãoPaulo, as a reseller of renowned confections. With the passageoftime, came to Loony Jeans, a company with its ownmanufacturingwhich is close to the points of sale, which enablesthe creationprocess of the parts, development and distribution, andfacilitatethe exchange of information with our customers.Today, we have three stores in Brás, Bom Retiro and Moema.The Loony Jeans has several lines of jeans, all withdifferentmodeling. Our main goal is to enhance the silhouette,regardless ofphysique.Here since the female more classical pieces, to thebasic,modern, masculine pieces and special sizes;The Loony Cotton line of sweaters and accessories foryourpurchase is complete, we create.We sell wholesale (tenants) and retail (end user).
Frens Pizza 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
To provide best pizza at low and affordablecost. Share happiness, cool hangout joint.Located atNo. 75, S B Complex - Near Sambhram College - Vidyaranya Post,Bangalore- 560097
Chefland 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
An authentic multi cusine restaurant thatserver up great tasting!Enjoy the subtle flavors of the world on your platter at ChefLand. We provide you with a range of dishes that leave you spoiledfor choice. Get your dose of delicious food, luxurious ambience andefficient service with us!
Akshaya Deluxe 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
Akshaya Deluxe is a multi-cuisine restaurantwhich serves an array of cuisines like Andhra style, South Indian,Chinese and more. The menu options include both veg and non-veg.This place is apt for large family dining and parties. If you areplanning an out-of-the-world party or looking out for party orbanquet venue in a pristine and classy setting in Bangalore, thereis no better party venue than Akshya Deluxe. The menu at therestaurants is carefully designed by our master chefs such that wecan offer best dining experience to our guests. We have severalsignature brands that run across several of our groups’ hotel,serving a wide range of delectable cuisines, bound to tickle themost sensitive of taste buds. Each one of our specialty andmulti-cuisine has something special to offer.
LSB - Lock Stock & Barrel 1.2.4
MB Labs Tecnologia
Lock Stock & Barrel is a globalfranchiserestaurant chain. It is a cool &a chic place where youcanspend fun time with family & friends. We serveexquisiteItalian and Chinese cuisine .. the best in the city ..come &try it out. We have a very cool and laid back ambiencewith pooltables, live music and plenty of popular eventsLock Stock & Barrelisa global franchise restaurant chain. It is a cool & chictheplace where you can spend fun time with family & friends.Weserves exquisite Italian and Chinese cuisine .. the best inthecity .. come & try it out. We have a very cool and laidbackambience with pool tables, live music and plenty ofpopularevents
Recliners 2.0.3
MB Labs Tecnologia
A Recliners desenvolveu este aplicativoparapossibilitar ao cliente a visualização de toda linha deprodutos noambiente desejado.Basta você fotografar o ambiente e deslizar o produto escolhidoparaa posição correta. O aplicativo possibilita também que vocêescolhaa cor, a estampa ou o revestimento que você deseja evisualizar oproduto já instalado no ambiente. Trata-se de umaferramenta queutiliza recursos de alta tecnologia, trazendosatisfação, comodidadee segurança na decisão da compra.Recliners Industrial Ltda é uma empresa voltada para a fabricaçãodemóveis estofados fixos ou reclináveis, equipados commodernossistemas manual ou elétrico.Sua unidade fabril está instalada no município de Charqueada-SP.Atuando no mercado desde o ano 2000, detém atualmente a liderançadomercado no segmento de móveis estofados.Reserva de direitos. As Fotografias, ilustrações, vídeos, áudiosetextos publicados neste aplicativo são de propriedade eprotegidospela Recliners Industrial Ltda, nos termos da legislaçãofederalvigente. É proibido a realização de downloading e impressõesdeimagens e textos sem autorização expressa da Recliners.Keywords: móveis; sofás; poltronas; estofados;revestimentos;poltrona reclinável; sofá reclinável; móveis;reclináveis;estofados reclináveis;The Reclinersdevelopedthis application to enable customers to view the entireproductline in the desired environment.Just you photograph the room and slide the chosen product tothecorrect position. The app also allows you to choose thecolor,pattern, or flooring you want and view the productalreadyinstalled in the environment. It is a tool that useshigh-techfeatures, bringing satisfaction, comfort and safety in thepurchasedecision.Recliners Industrial Ltd. is a company dedicated to themanufactureof fixed or reclining upholstered furniture, modernequipped withmanual or electric systems.Its manufacturing unit is located in the town of Charlton-SP.Operating in the market since 2000, currently holdsmarketleadership in the upholstered furniture industry.Reservation of Rights. The photos, illustrations, video, audioandtext published in this app are owned and protected byReclinersIndustrial Ltda, under current federal law. It isprohibited toconduct downloading and printing of images and textwithout expresspermission of Recliners.Keywords: furniture, sofas, armchairs, upholstery,coatings,recliner, reclining sofa, furniture, recliners,recliningupholstery;
ABC - Always Best Connection 3.0.2
MB Labs Tecnologia
ABC Always Best Connection é melhor forma já desenvolvida paratrocar contatos, mantê-los atualizados de maneira segura e on line,acessar facilmente de todos os seus aparelhos (Celulares/tablets) ecompatibilidade perfeita com IOS e Android. É a versão eletrônicainteligente para a substituição dos cartões de visitas tradicionaisem papel, tornando a troca rápida, sem a necessidade dedigitalização, sem problemas compatibilidade, facilidade de buscapor nome, empresa, área de expertise e armazenamento automático. •Personalização do cartão pessoal e profissional com os dados quedeseja trocar. • Funcionalidade para criar e editar cartõespersonalizados das suas várias empresas e ou negócios. • Trocafácil e rápida via QR Code e Bluetooth. • Permite convidar seuscontatos via e-mail ou telefone. • Backup seguro na nuvem esincronização automática em todos os aparelhos. • Mantém todos osdados completos de seus contatos: Telefones, e-mails, endereços,dados da empresa, dados da secretária, Skype, etc. • Acessarapidamente a lista de contatos e conecta via telefone, e-mail,Linkedin, Skype, Facebook, etc. • Redirecionamento para o GoogleMaps ou Waze para facilitar a sua navegação. • Informação daoperadora do seu contato permitindo a otimização.
Saúde Beneficência 1.0.8
MB Labs Tecnologia
Ease and convenience when managing partnership Health Charity